
Serving The San Francisco Bay Area Since 1985!

PLEASE CALL (415) 781-2909



What is the best way to reach Dental Power?

Best way to reach Aline at Dental Power is to call the main number.

What areas does Dental Power cover?
San Francisco, San Mateo County, Redwood City, East Bay and Marin.

How do I register with Dental Power?
For applicants, you must call Dental Power at the main number (415) 781-2909 to schedule an interview.

For dental offices, you must have the doctor sign a contract and return via email or fax.

Does it cost anything to the applicant?
No. The office is billed directly for the placement fee.

Do I need to schedule an interview or are walk ins accepted?
You must schedule an interview with Aline. Interviews are held Monday-Thursday at 10:00 or 2:30.

How do I receive an application?
Once you talk to Aline at Dental Power and schedule an interview, she will email or fax you an application. Or you may fill one out on the day of your interview.

What do I bring to an interview?
If you are a front desk or office manager, you must bring: application, two forms of identifications (driver's license and social security card or passport), resume and references.

If you are a DA, you must bring: application, xray license, CPR certification, two forms of identifications (driver's license and social security card or passport), and resume.

If you are an RDA or RDH, you must bring: application, license, CPR certification, two forms of identifications (driver's license and social security card or passport), and resume. *If you are a RDH and you have liability insurance, please bring a copy of that. 

If you are Dentist, you must bring: application, license, CPR certification, two forms of identifications (driver's license and social security card or passport), malpractice insurance, NPI number and resume. *DEA is optional.

**If you are not a citizen, you must bring a copy of a permanent residence card or a work authorization card. 

What is the best way to get to 450 Sutter Street?
Public transportation is the best way. There are two BART stations (Powell or Montgomery). There is parking in the building, but I would advise you to check the rates.

What should I wear and bring to an office that I am placed as a temporary at?
Typically you should wear scrubs (unless otherwise informed) and closed toe shoes. If you are a RDH, you are advised to bring your own loops and lights. You do not bring your own instruments.

How often will I work?
It depends on the circumstances, but you could be placed at an office to cover for a day, a 2 week vacation, 3 month maternity or to become a permanent hire.

As a RDH, how many patients will I usually see?
The standard patient load is 8, but on occasion you may see 9 or 10. The salary is the same regardless.

What does a typical work schedule look like?
Most work schedules are 8 hour shifts, but we do have 4-5 hour shifts. The days are mostly Monday-Friday and occasionally Saturday and Sunday.

What are the most common complaints from dental offices?
Cell phone and internet usage and arriving late.

If an office asks me to stay another day, what should I do?
You must call Dental Power. 

How does the temporary get paid?

Office pays the temporary directly. The temporary should be paid when placement terminates. If office has payroll cycle, we may discuss the

options. If necessary, best to take advice from your accountant.

Can temporary worker be paid as an independent contractor?

If the schedule falls apart, can the temporary be sent home?
No, because the temporary is expecting to work the whole day.

What is your cancellation policy?
If you cancel less than 24 hours, there is a fee.